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Let's All Have Fun!   Saskatchewan artist rescues children’s book

"We were doomed. We just knew it. Delores Palmer, president of WeWrite Corporation, needed illustrations for a children’s book in a matter of weeks, and was near panic over the situation until she went through portfolios sent in by potential illustrators. One impressive portfolio was from Judy Swallow of Alameda, Saskatchewan.

Although Palmer knew the deadline was demanding, she phoned the Alameda School where Swallow works as a school librarian. Without hesitation, Swallow agreed, although she knew around the clock drawing sessions would be needed to complete the assignment in time. The time line was less than thirty days instead of the usual one hundred and twenty.

WeWrite specializes in books by kids for kids, created in a workshop setting; an illustrator sketches while children brainstorm ideas. This particular story was created by teens; some from central Illinois School for the Visually Impaired and some from Jacksonville High School. The book Let’s All Have Fun! is the forty-fifth in a series of WeWrite Kids books. Swallow is the first illustrator from outside the U.S. to work for the publisher.

The story does not end with the book. Palmer was so impressed with Swallow’s effort and work that she is flying her to future book-writing workshops. Swallow says, “I am thrilled to have an opportunity to participate in these future workshops and to become one of the vehicles that enable children to express their concerns to the world.

– excerpts taken from the CARFAC Saskatchewan Newsletter
July/August 2000

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Last updated April 2008